
Tabber wikia
Tabber wikia

PS: Why didn't anyone point out that my signature wasn't going to my talk page? G R E E N E R 07:41, 7 November 2016 (UTC) Then you should be able to get both the signature and timestamp to appear with just the four "~". Check the box "Treat signature as wikitext (without an automatic link)".Go to preferences, to your signature section.Random guess? I have no idea what you're asking for really.- Relyk ~ talk, I get: User talk:Louise| || LOUISE || 7:10, 7 November 2016 (UTC) I gave it a few trials, and I was able to mimic your signature appropriately with the following steps. Mw.toolbar.addButton(false,"Your signature with timestamp"," ~~~ ~~~~~","","","mw-editbutton-signature") toc4 li.toclevel-6,īody.page-Main_Page.ns-subject h1.firstHeading * TOC display level limiter, will only display the TOC up to level N */ Is there a trick to it that I am missing, or is this not enabled here? For reference, I am not looking for this to only affect me through a personal CSS change, but for everyone. The docs seem to suggest this should be possible, but I can't seem to make it work. So I've been trying to play around a bit with table of contents (for legibility of some project pages) but can't seem to find a way to restrict the "depth" at which they display chapters. See Guild Wars 2 Wiki:Reporting wiki bugs#Ampersands - BryghtShadow ( talk) 03:46, 20 August 2016 (UTC) Table of Content Depth Many of the armor galleries are from the german wiki's armor project.- Relyk ~ talk Just want to make sure there isn't another method that I'm missing that can make the background completely white. If it's a Photoshop mask, that would make sense. How are most of the screenshots in the wiki edited to have the completely white background? An example would be where the model is completely visible because the background is white. Hello! I notice that one of the outfit pages is missing screenshots of the armor, and I would love to add some pictures of the armor from multiple races as I own the outfit. Taking Screenshots - white background on character model Each trait's page revision history allow you to view all versions that were added to the wiki easier to navigate if you know approximently when the updated was that changed the trait, such as Power Block changed this way with the Jgame update.List of historical traits contains traits that have been removed from the game and displays their last submitted version details.The preceding unsigned comment was added by ( talk). The way the pages are set up, the trait list pages draw from some seemingly inaccessible database that contains the traits, so viewing previous versions of the pages still shows the current traits. 5 Droprate research, number of drops vs occurrences.4 Available prefixes for weapon sets - best practice.2 Taking Screenshots - white background on character model.to keep the caption from being squeezed into a vertical column when the table is collapsed. In the examples below, the use of the class wikitable is merely for appearance it is not needed for mw-collapsible to function. The content is then easily accessible by using the 'show' button. The introduction or summary is in the first row, and the content is in subsequent rows. Adding the mw-collapsible class to a table automatically positions the toggle, and selects which parts to collapse.Ī common use is to make a collapsible layout table, which always displays an introduction or summary, but hides the rest of the content from immediate view. The mw-collapsible class can make any element collapsible, but tables are particularly simple to make collapsible. 2.3 "innercollapse" and "outercollapse".

Tabber wikia