
Portal turret led light
Portal turret led light

:) Build some sort of “dock” with two separated metal surfaces, connect a 3,5mm audio jack to them, strip the tip of the legs a bit and solder the speaker to the legs inside. This would even work without ugly cables coming out of the turret – because you can misuse the legs as the two contacts required for the speaker. If you're motivated, you may try to realise one (or more?) of the following ideas: Try adding a small headphone loudspeaker to the turret. The turret should now be finished and if everything went fine, the LED lights up if you pinch the antennas.Now get a mass production going and send a turret to each of your Portal-addicted friends as a Christmas gift ) Remember to comment if you have annotations or problems with this project. You will most likely discover now why it's so easy to knock them over in the game. Do your best in sculpting the outside legs (google for reference images) then head for shortening the wires. Your turret should now resemble ours on the third image. Sculpt the wires in a way that they match the shape of the egg and press them hard to the bottom so they keep the hind leg in place. Estimate how much of the cable you can push out to leave the loop at the top of the egg if it's closed. Secure the spiral in the bottom centre of the turret, then push both forelegs through their holes (again, from the inside to the outside). Push the non-spirraled side of the hind leg from the inside of the turret through the corresponding hole to the outside. We recommend widening the holes for the wires now, if you haven't done that before. Now it's time for the bending part – grab the two black wires and bend them as follows: - bend one end of the shorter wire to a tight, little spiral followed by a 180° turn in the opposite direction (we suggest taking a clarifying look at the images) - bend the longer wire in half while creating a loop with your thumb (images, again :D) The loop will keep the whole leg structure in place because it adds pressure from above. This is roughly what your turret will look like after the colour has dried.


coating) - one spoke reflector - a 5mm LED in your favourite colour - an LED holder (ours came from an indicator LED of an old PC – take a look at the images) - a CR2032 coin cell battery holder (from the mainboard of the PC - use duct tape if you can't get hold of one) - two 5cm parts of thin, solid copper wire to be used as antennas and as the switch - acrylic colours Tools (required): - skilled and/or thin fingers! - a pair of combination pliers - a paint brush - a soldering gun Tools (recommended): - a wire stripper - a round file - a small nail

portal turret led light portal turret led light

not the ones that consist of two parts (see images for reference) - a 28cm and a 16cm part of black, solid copper wire with a diameter of approx.

portal turret led light

Materials (length specifications include enough buffer): - an empty Kinder Egg of the newer series, i.e. You may buy a few hundred empty Kinder eggs from ebay if you're desperate. The Kinder Egg itself might be an exception as they're either not available due to your home country (they're banned in the US) or due to the high temperatures in certain months (they're usually not sold in summer months). The required materials are cheap and mostly easy to obtain.

Portal turret led light