
5.45 find the anchoring forces
5.45 find the anchoring forces

5.45 find the anchoring forces

Use these data to determine an empirical equation of the form   c1  c2T  c3T 2, which can be used to predict the density over the range indicated. Density (kg/m3) Temperature ( C)ĩ98.2 997.1 995.7 994.1 992.2 990.2 988.1 20ġ.9 According to information found in an old hydraulics book, the energy loss per unit weight of fluid flowing through a nozzle connected to a hose can be estimated by the formula *1.25 The variation in the density of water, , with temperature, T, in the range of 20 ☌  T  50 ☌, is given in the following table. What are the dimensions of the constant /8? Would you classify this equation as a general homogeneous equation? Explain.

5.45 find the anchoring forces

V  Z1a  12  G 1.7 The volume rate of flow, Q, through a pipe containing a slowly moving liquid is given by the equation R4 ¢p Q 8/ where R is the pipe radius, ¢p the pressure drop along the pipe,  a fluid property called viscosity 1FL'T2, and / the length of pipe. State all assumptions and show calculations. Estimate by what percent the average air–water density is greater than that of just still air. †1.23 The presence of raindrops in the air during a heavy rainstorm increases the average density of the air–water mixture. List all assumptions and show all calculations.ġ.5 If V is a velocity, determine the dimensions of Z, a, and G, which appear in the dimensionally homogeneous equation

5.45 find the anchoring forces

†1.21 Estimate the number of pounds of mercury it would take to fill your bathtub. Determine its specific weight and specific gravity.ġ.3 If V is a velocity, / a length, and  a fluid property having dimensions of L2T !, which of the following combinations are dimensionless: (a) V/, (b) V//, (c) V 2, (d) V//? Print this photo and write a brief paragraph that describes the situation involved.ġ.1 Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT and MLT systems, of the following quantities, which appear in Table 1.1: (a) angular velocity, (b) energy, (c) moment of inertia (area), (d) power, and (e) pressure.ġ.19 The density of a certain liquid is 2.15 slugs/ft3. Section 1.2 Dimensions, Dimensional Homogeneity, and Unitsġ.17 Obtain a photograph/image of a situation in which the density or specific weight of a fluid is important. Section 1.4 Measures of Fluid Mass and Weight Ppendix L AOdd-numbered Homework Problems Chapter 1

5.45 find the anchoring forces